The Board of Directors

President/Director: Christine Harger
Treasurer: John Finch
Officer/Board Member: Jordan Combs
Officer/Board Member: Janine Goshorn
Officer/Board Member: Eric Goshorn

We, the Board of Aron's Legacy, created this Non-Profit Organization (Unincorporated Association) in August of 2017 for many reasons.  It started as a way to honor K-9 Aron's life; to never forget him and his service.  As it evolved and we began meeting about what we wanted to achieve, this organization became a way for us to honor ALL of the working K-9's in our area.  These K-9's are an essential and vital tool in combating the ever-increasing war on drugs and addiction in our communities.  We want to equip their units with the most advanced technologies and software programs to help them become even more effective in fighting this war.  They deserve our utmost support.  They serve us, it's time to serve them.
      -Board of Directors, Aron's Legacy